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Friday, January 21, 2011

Jon Stewart, Democrat Steve Cohen compares GOP lies to NAZI lies

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Jon Stewart, Democrat Steve Cohen compares GOP lies to NAZI lies

Once again here we are with yet another false political equivalency in this rhetoric debate. Again the issue at play in Tuscon is not angry rhetoric, it is violent rhetoric.

Guns, lock and load, reload, gun sight targeting, 2nd Amendment remedies, graphics and videos of candidates with assault rifles which is in the realm of 100 to 1 Republicans to Democrats. 100 and 1 are not equal or the same or no different than each other.

Even the anger is one sided. The first year after Obama it was that endless parade of Republicans screaming and shoving at town hall meetings. Which was followed up the following year by the Tea Party and their racist signs, NAZI placards, bringing guns to political rallies and literally spitting on people. And the Left in all of that time? I can't come up with ONE THING other than the over reaction to TWO black guys looking menacing at a polling place, one with a stick who represented a group of a few hundred people. THIS IS NOT EQUAL!

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First off I would like to remind everyone that the most successful comparison ever made to NAZIS in American political discourse was from Republican Rush Limbaugh who renamed uppity women (Feminists), FEMINAZIS. In fact his ubiquitous use of the new word was so successful that it entered into not only common use in our cultural and political lexicon, but also into dictionaries and encyclopedias the world over.

Please understand its meaning, i.e., women fighting for the same rights as men are NAZIS. Accepted and embraced by not only the Republican Party but the media as well. For to complain about the WORD is to fall into the trap Rush Limbaugh and the GOP have so successfully laid a generation ago.

This is the double whammy they so easily won. If you complain about calling feminists NAZIS that is Political Correctness which is LIBERAL NAZISM. So successful a political game that Democrats had to drop the word "liberal" from usage. At the time it became known as the "L-Word" and subsequently morphed into "progressive". Kick! PC Pages

Secondly I would like to see a video collage of Republicans on the House floor comparing Democrats to the SOVIET UNION, STALIN, MARXISM, COMMUNISM and the GANG OF FOUR CULTURAL REVOLUTION. My guess would be thousands up against this ONE. In fact let's compare this same issue to just Glenn Beck alone for that matter.

And lastly, Mr. Stewart's argument is that having ONE THING in common with NAZISM - like precision marching - does not a NAZI make. That I can agree with, but bogus similarities aside let's list a few real commonalities held by both NAZIS and Republicans.

Neo Con empire through war
Preemptive War
Rounding up people for deportation
Flag waving
Utter Whiteness
My Country Right or Wrong
Right-wing Radio Propaganda
War Rallies
Law and Order!
Largest prison system in the world
Murdering Jews
20 out of 21 is something to Heil about!
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